با یقین به رسیدن به حکومتی دمکرات و سکولار
Remembering the 1988 Massacre of
Political Prisoners in Iran:
Crime Against Humanity
September 26, 2010
The event will be held on Sunday, September 26, 2010 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at:
Auditorium, Arlington Central Library
. N. Quincy StreetArlington, VA 22201
Disinguished speakers will include Ms. Elise Auerbach, Ph. D., Country Specialist for Iran, Amnesty International U.S.A; Ms. Monireh Baradaran, Former Political Prisoners and author; Ms. Roya Boroumand, Ph. D., Executive Director, Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation and Mr. Iraj Mesdaghi, Former Political Prisoner and author. Interpretation facilities will be available.
Tel: 703-228-5990 Dear Friend of SCPIPW
On behalf of the Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will (SCPIPW), we cordially invite you to attend our upcoming event, Remembering the 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran: Crime Against Humanity, as our guest. We would be honored if you would attend.
In the contemporary history of Iran, August and September of 1988, is among the darkest chapter of Human Rights violation.
“Starting in August 1988, just after the end of the Iran/Iraq war, and continuing until shortly before the 10th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in February 1989, the Iranian authorities carried out massive wave of summary executions of political prisoners – the largest since those carried out in the first and second year after the Iranian revolution in 1979. In all between 4,500 and 5,000 prisoners are believed to have been killed, including women. It remains one of the worst human rights violations committed since the establishment of the Islamic Republic.” states Amnesty International in its report “From protest to prison: Iran one year after the election”, released June 9th, 2010.
During these months, thousands of political prisoners, many of them already serving their prison sentence and many already completed theirs, were savagely hanged or executed and their voices silenced. This unprecedented organized crime is tantamount to crime against humanity by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Highlighting the truth, identifying and honoring the victims and punishing those responsible, the perpetrators and those involved in this terrible tragedy is among the most important campaign for those fighting to improve human rights in Iran and to end these fascistic and inhumane acts forever.
Regardless of the victim’s political affiliations and membership and solely from Human Rights aspect, the “Solidarity Committee to Protect the Iranian People’s Will” is holding a conference in this regard to highlight the importance of this event in Iranian history. SCPIPW is honored to host all the freedom loving people pursuing the truth and justice.
SCPIPW is a committee of local Iranian-Americans with a plurality of political viewpoints, all dedicated to the struggle for Human Rights and democracy in Iran. We welcome the thoughts, comments and suggestions, and hope to satisfy the desire to express solidarity with a unified voice.
We sincerely appreciate your participation in our event. We at SCPIPW believe that your presence will add markedly to the stature and substance of our event, and we hope that you will be able to join us. Please RSVP to scpipwdc@gmail.com by Friday, September 24th.
Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact Mr. Mehdi Amini at scpipwdc@gmail.com or 703-850-7311. We look forward to hearing from you to confirm your participation in this important event.
Sincerely yours,
Executive Committee
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